We have evolved so much with science but somehow fail to connect to our scientific roots which defines our individual self. A horoscope is a planetary and solar element pattern which is evaluated at the time of an individual’s birth to ascertain his purpose in life. This is not limited to an individual’s purpose but also reveals the scale of positivity or negativity each one will project in their lifetime. We at Vedic Monks have developed a scientific approach on measuring the aspects and driving a value based perspective to approach your life problems.
We will work on the time of your birth, the planetary situation then and derive the most scientific and authenticate measures to solve issues and avoid dire situations. Our Vedic Practitioner after the first session will analyse an individual horoscope and ask individuals to practice life rituals with realistic leanings to seek for a holistic transformation. Horoscope Analysis can reveal a lot of hidden messages for an individual to take rightful action and transform the course for a desired result. Indeed, a lot of times we have observed that getting a ‘Family Horoscope Analysis’, can reveal a holistic development path for each member of the Family. This will not only ascertain prosperity for the entire family but also will enable every individual to power each other to sustain the prosperity and assure individual growth.