

This soap is the perfect combination to fight the bacterial and fungal attacks on your skin. This soap helps clean, tone and nourish the skin. It helps to fight skin dryness and retain skin moisture. It is an antibacterial ayurvedic soap. This works great especially against eczema, acne, and dry skin problems.

SKU: vr-nss-04 Category:

Aloe vera, neem, and Basil are three different types of organic elements, that are very beneficial and useful for our daily lives and body health. These are also used for hair health and for skin problems. These are used for the treatment of body disease and they can cure after using these organic elements. these products can help you with skin glowing, skin rashes problems, and many skin-related problems. these are used as a hair treatment if you have hair fall or any kind of hair problems, then it can be very useful for that. these can clean our kidneys and maintain the blood sugar level if we were to take that daily.

Our product is 100% organic and it can be useable for all ages people. everyone can use this and keep the body clean and hygienic. All the herbals and natural elements are used to make this soap. There is no side effect of this product and its safe to use. Shop now to get the best offers on it. Buy now.