Please it is an ardent request not to follow any astrology pattern just by looking at someone else’s success or glory. Each individual has his or her own destiny and purpose they have come to serve in this world. There might be few areas which need emphasis to guide an individual to understand their real life purpose. All forms of astrology are positive but everything originated from the first scripts i.e. Vedas. Vedic Astrology is the first scripted form of readings or analysis on planets, stars and solar systems as mentioned in Vedas which later got translated as Upanishads. It was considered as a regulatory document through which various other scriptures were formulated across the world. But it is only in Sanatan Dharma (Religion of God), where astrological aspects and elements of power have been mentioned in its most accurate version.
This is already authenticated to be the best method of calculating and analysing an individual’s personality, predicting future events, evolution of nature, course of transformation and many more. It has many forms and mediums which need deep research and dedicated practice to understand the actual meaning. Nowadays it has been convenient to understand or implement through consulting a Vedic Coach or Vedic Scholar. They can make it look easy to implement and practice for anyone interested to actually transform themself and know the real meaning or purpose of their existence. This is not some text which you can understand just by reading or listening, it is something that must be practised to understand the real meaning. This is an ancient form of guidance which Kings, Emperors, and Scholars used to drive themself and their community to make a choice for the best way forward. Our Vedic Scholars and Vedic Coach are aligned to the urban communities for anyone to have the right application and look forward to a holistic transformation.