
Use Our Vedic 100% Original Spring Bouquet-Natural Incense Sticks. Our Vedic Spring Bouquet naturals Incense Sticks are made with 100% Pure organic spring flower. these incense sticks are chemical-free and able to relax your mind.

100% chemicals-free and made by our Vedic experts who have 25+ years of experience.

Our Vedic Spring natural sticks are made with 100% organic herbs, some essential oils, and spring flowers that help to remove negativity and bad vibes. our Vedic incense sticks’ aromas keep your mind focused, relaxed, and peaceful. you can use them in your house’s office or while yoga or Japa. the aroma of these sticks is beneficial for the treatment of insomnia, tiredness, and other problem that become hurdles in your daily routine.

We added some ingredients in Our Vedic spring sticks that make them long-lasting and give you 8 hours of presentable fragrance. the aroma of these sticks makes you feel like you having fun in the springtime.

we did not use any kind of chemicals or other stuff. our sticks provide you with a natural spring mist atmosphere in your place, and these are long-lasting as per the other brands in the market.

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